If We Were Having Coffee on the 27th of November


Good morning Blogger Friends! For once I’ve actually got a pot of coffee brewing as I write this, courtesy of my Mister! This is a first! 😄 I hope everyone had a lovely week and is having a wonderful close to the weekend!

If we were having coffee I would tell you that the Mister, myself, our children, and his parents went to Oklahoma on Wednesday to his family’s house for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful! Everyone was so nice to the kids and I and the food was wonderful! This is only the second time that the kids and I have been out there but it felt like we’ve been going out there every year for a lifetime. I love it when families click like that.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that the weather is confusing right now in Texas. In the morning it’s in the 50’s, in the afternoon it’s in the 70’s and then we’re back down to the 50’s in the evening. I’m dreading the icy weather that is approaching. People in Texas already drive like jerks and it’s even worse in the winter.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I bought a box of Christmas cards and then realized that I have no one to send them to. 😮 But I love Christmas cards. I suppose I will give one to the handful of work friends that I have, send one to my parents in Florida and of course to the Mister’s parents. And then I’ll still have twenty-two Christmas cards sitting in a box to be forgotten about. I’ll end up buying a new box next year. It was only $3 for a box of thirty cards though so I won’t complain. 😄

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I have abandoned my NanoWrimo novel but that I have been posting faithfully for NanoPoblano which is National Blog Posting Month. I do believe the group of people who have been participating in this challenge, or at least a large number of them, have decided to carry the challenge on into December, which I’m excited about! These challenges keep me posting every day and the inspiration flows more frequently and abundantly.

I hope everyone had a lovely week last week and that you got a lot of writing done! I’m going to attempt to link up my post now and I’ve never done this before so please do cross your fingers for me! 😄

4 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee on the 27th of November

  1. you can send me a card & i will send you one ❤
    thanks for the coffee time.
    i am alone in the country with four kids, two dogs, sheep & chickens. it's nice to have grown-up time.
    plus, if we were having coffee, i would tell you that i lived in austin once & there was just news that it was going to freeze, and everyone ran into each other with their cars. the body shops started advertising as soon as their was word of a freeze.

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  2. Can you imagine the people you would send the unsent cards to? (Real or fictional). How about if you sent a card to each person (known or unknown) and revealed a “secret.” Might be the basis for writing ideas. [[This is not original with me, check out a site called “Post Secrets.]].

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